This particular question had been in my mind since childhood when I was around 6-7years in age.
But the answers have been changing with respect to time.
I had usually spent my Summer and Diwali holidays in Akola with my Grandma (maternal)
During those days
my grandma used to told me the stories about various Gods & Goddess of Hindu mythology. Also those were the days of B&W television with only Doordarshan.(Their was no Astha or any other channel from which one can know about these nowadays).
According to Hindu mythology in every yuga (viz . Satyuga, Tretayuga, Dvaaperyuga, Kalyuga) lord Vishnu takes birth (avataar)as Narsinha, Ram, Krishna to demolish the Evil kingdom, Kalki will do in kalyug(from यदा यदा ही धर्मस्य ....in the Bhagvat Gita). I was born on Janmashtami(Birth day of lord Krishna) so my grandma always used to co relate me with Krishna as she have affection for both.and so at that time as heard from these mythological stories from that view I thought my purpose of being on Earth was to kill the demons, another reason is महाभारत और रामायण [Mahabharat and Ramayana] were on air that time (thanks to B.R. Chopra & Ramanand Sagar) and I was amazed to see the powers of these warriors
Then impact of Cable T V came (I was in middle school at these time), I was also one of the big aficionado of WWF( World Wrestling Federation) now known as WWE and martial art series on Home TV(Zu Mountain saga, Legend of the Condor-Hero, Blood Strain Intrigue) which were related to the history and mythology of China, so the answer was not changed till middle school.( One may think killer instinct, destruct-or.....but...). so the purpose remain same
In high school; science their is Rutherford & Bohr's atomic theory , so I used to think किसने discover किया इसे ! [oh man who discoverd this theory](almost every second person thinks so). Again on every birthday I used to get a gift from my parents which were either some sport stuff or some constructive game, then thought engineer बन सकता हूँ ! [i can become an engineer] as some of surrounders and well-wisher told me and specially my parents so in HSC {11-12th}science stream and specifically Electronics.( So on constructive path... purpose is changing but not clear)
In Jr. college I used to think that if any how I can challenge the atomic theory( सब बच्चे दुआ देंगे [each student will bless me]) means no electron , proton , neutron then no chemistry, physics, electronics so again my kiddish purpose changed as save the friends and other student from reading this irrelevant thing and for this I have to become scientist or engineer.(neglected the benefits of that theory as it serves human society in many aspects)
But in engineering I came to know that for every theory to get universal recognition or approval you it is necessary for it to undergo several litmus test ( As only universal truth is always written in present tense, my English teacher told me when he taught me Direct indirect speech) so my purpose changed again as "Change is the only constant thing in Universe." So this time my purpose is to serve the society by my technical knowledge.Time came..
Interviewer : anything u want to ask?
Anoop: Yes Sir, what will be my work profile can u tell me my job description?
Interviewer:You will be recruited as GET and after training you ll be assistant manager.
Anoop: Do i have to just open and close the valve and operate from a room only?
Interviewer: No, Mr. Rajguru you have complete work freedom.
Anoop: Thank you sir for clearing my doubts. (grin and bear it सोचा देख लेंगे [will see])
... carrying offer letter in one hand and other being busy in receiving greetings I thought मज़ा क्यूँ नहीं आ रहा है [why I am not happy]. Some of my friend noticed and told me why are you not happy it is good company having revenue turn over around $4.6 billion, good money and came first from core sector (our professors also feels so that's why they allowed it at that place) . I had no answer (because I am not mentally prepared for it I think because I attempted the process without even my resume with me may be the reason).
Initial 2months were very difficult in my job then I pick up quite well according to my seniors but I feel the same as I want to know every single process, in induction I suggested a plan to increase output but it was not consider by saying that it is not practical thing to do and they tried another way to ramp up the production which caused them a loss of around Rs.240-300 crore as plant was not designed to ramp up and now they quieted that plan. ( focusing on plan suggested by me). I thought work freedom is here but I am not having job satisfaction though my seniors were more than satisfy with me(mainly because others were not performing, I was the same as on day one). I was not having decision making power & this demotivated me to continue with that job. So with more qualification I can have the authority and responsibilities, so do MBA(in my mind) and purpose become to serve the society with my knowledge and its applicability. But again if it doesn't work then...
I may have to start my own enterprise which will not only serve the human society but also the mother earth and its other creature, it will be related to Agriculture, Forest, Industrial sector so hoping your support and blessing for the same...
As we take birth we have certain liabilities to our surroundings. So, in my opinion if it is possible to satisfy every person we meet then the purpose of taking birth on this Mother Earth will be fulfilled. So just try to make everyone surrounding you happy and satisfy and then you might not have to search for the purpose.(As it is said what you feel outside the same you will feel inside).
All the characters of this journey are true, if something is similar to this is just coincidence (means Is kahani k saare patra satya mein hai, agar koi bhi ghatna aisi hui hai to wo matra sanyog hai)
I know many of us feel d same....
thank u for reading
After going through this' it seems that you have given a lot of time to analyse your life. This is good and definatly as expected. As you said, Change is the only constant thing in the world, So keep updating that. Best of luck journeyman.
keep writing...
let the world know about you so it will give more, in return
Well written bhai...i wish you in all your endeavors. the purpose seems to coincide......
too good!!!
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